Durante este semestre escolar, en la materia de inglés nos tenemos que leer 800 páginas de lectura independiente repartidas en cualquier cantidad de libros. Yo ya leí las 800 páginas. Masomenos cada mes hacemos un resumen del libro que estamos leyendo o del que ya acabamos. Yo me leí Dogsong por Gary Paulsen, My Side of the Mountain por Jean Craighead George, From the Earth to the Moon by Jules Verne and Kidnapped by Robert Louis Stevenson. El que más me gustó fue Dogsong e hize un resumen, pero en inglés porque la materia es inglés. Este es:
Russel Suskit is a 14 year-old boy who lives with his father in a village, in the freezing region of the tundra. He has a normal life with no problems, but one day he starts to feel bad because doesn’t seem right for him. He goes to Oogruk, the old blind shaman of the village for an answer to his problem. The shaman tells him a story of a tradition that the village once had and lost. Russel says that he is going to recuperate that celebration for the village, and for this, he has to make a very tough journey. He starts learning survival techniques and dog-sledding from Oogr
The day of the journey started. Oogruk went with Russel in the sled a few distance, then, told him to continue alone and died. His dogs ran very hastily, but after long distances, they started falling up; they had no more energy to run and were hungry. Luckily, several animals crossed in Russel’s way; a fox, a deer a rabbit and much more, so he could feed the dogs. He continued his journey and something strange happened. He had a dream in which he was much older and with a pregnant woman. In the dream he also had to kill a mammoth to feed himself and the woman. He continued and something very strange happened. He found snow machine marks and followed them. He saw a pregnant lady walking on the ice. He helped her and gave her shelter. Now, he realized that one part of his dream was becoming his real life.
They were running out of food again, so he had to search for animals to eat. He met a polar bear and killed it. Now, he realized that the second part of the dream also became true. It was very strange; his dreams were his life.
They were still going in the sled and the journey seemed to never end but they got to a village in the north, where they found help for the young lady and the journey finished. Russel went to find out information about the legend of the village. He found it. They told him the whole story and found out what his song was. It was called DOGSONG.
Russel Suskit is a 14 year-old boy who lives with his father in a village, in the freezing region of the tundra. He has a normal life with no problems, but one day he starts to feel bad because doesn’t seem right for him. He goes to Oogruk, the old blind shaman of the village for an answer to his problem. The shaman tells him a story of a tradition that the village once had and lost. Russel says that he is going to recuperate that celebration for the village, and for this, he has to make a very tough journey. He starts learning survival techniques and dog-sledding from Oogr
The day of the journey started. Oogruk went with Russel in the sled a few distance, then, told him to continue alone and died. His dogs ran very hastily, but after long distances, they started falling up; they had no more energy to run and were hungry. Luckily, several animals crossed in Russel’s way; a fox, a deer a rabbit and much more, so he could feed the dogs. He continued his journey and something strange happened. He had a dream in which he was much older and with a pregnant woman. In the dream he also had to kill a mammoth to feed himself and the woman. He continued and something very strange happened. He found snow machine marks and followed them. He saw a pregnant lady walking on the ice. He helped her and gave her shelter. Now, he realized that one part of his dream was becoming his real life.
They were running out of food again, so he had to search for animals to eat. He met a polar bear and killed it. Now, he realized that the second part of the dream also became true. It was very strange; his dreams were his life.
They were still going in the sled and the journey seemed to never end but they got to a village in the north, where they found help for the young lady and the journey finished. Russel went to find out information about the legend of the village. He found it. They told him the whole story and found out what his song was. It was called DOGSONG.
Recomiendo este libro porque se desarrolla muy bien y es muy interesante, pero se lo recomiendo a las personas que les gusta la literatura de aventura...Leanselo!
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